Sunday 25 September 2011

heART Space

I finally set up a facebook page for my Art after toying with the idea for a while. Friends also encouraged me to set to do one however I was a little scared. Scared of what I wonder! that my art is not good enough, that people will not like what I do, that no one will like my page or was it that I just didn't know the purpose for doing one. I never do anything these days unless it feels right to me ~ whatever that means ~ I just know the feeling. 

So a week before learning The Metamorphic Technique one of a few things I have felt drawn to learn in a very long while (it involves feet, something I love) I decide I am going to set the page up. What a journey that has been, all my fears coming up, comparing myself, my art, judging what I do and what I believe in, allowing what others think and feel to dictate my life, somehow feeling what I have to say is less than valuable or true (in a sense). I (have)had a habit of loosing my wisdom in the wisdom of others simply because I placed them in this position of untouchable else just doing and undoing. 

My words are valid and true for me, that's all that needs be. Now this post has gone from talking about my new page to something else, however I am going for it letting it play it self out. In writing this it suddenly came to me that God doesn't judge me or compare me with others, God stands...sit's probably, in loving appreciation of all that I am warts 'n' all ~ don't actually have any ~ I am what God created however I choose to play it out, living life, not just surviving, enjoying the ups and the downs. Never thought I could feel joy when I feel sad however I have found there is joy in that feeling too, not simultaneously as these vibrations do not hold the same frequency level...somehow though sadness when it arises is closely followed by the awareness of joy that has an easier landing place than sadness does these days. 

This post is a bit of a jumble...a perfect reflection of all that is happening in this moment...after reading it back I have realised that SCARED could be read as SCAR-ed ~a mark left after injury ~ I find this very interesting. 

Have a look at my Page like, share, comment if it feels right to you ~ Thank you for reading, I appreciate it

Much Love
Claudia xxx

Abundance of all good things 'Life' xxx

Monday 5 September 2011

How do I really feel about m....

I have learnt about myself to do with: money ~ if I spend it with fear of not having enough rather than focusing on the joy of the purchase or the bill I am paying (even if it's just a little thought) the Universe will pick up on the strongest vibe that I have going on in that moment and give me more experiences to replicate that vibe. Paying attention to how I really feel about money.