Friday 4 February 2011

My 2011 intentions

I thought I would post my intentions for this year on here, wrote them 3 months ago and think it would be a good idea to read them every day.

I intend...
to have the best year ever, greater than I can ever imagine
to remember that the Universe has my back...always
to see everyone in their highest light and allow them to be who they are
to remember I am the creator of my reality
to know that even though I am not the creator of anyone else's reality, when they share their vision with me I can vision their success too
to smile, laugh, play and have fun as much as I can
to celebrate when I align with the energy of what I have asked for
to appreciate the contrast
to defer my judgement when I am writing my books
to finish at least one of the four books that I have started to write
to have more money at the end of every month than I had at the begining
to remember my Divinity
to share my knowledge when asked
to have my paintings successfully selling in at least another 3 shops/galleries/establishment/websites
to hold the space for people to align with their creativity
to meet more like minded people and share our favourite creation games
to see someone famous/well known wearing jewellery I created especially for them
to have regular well paid commissions for my paintings
to attract ongoing new clients for relationship/buisness coaching
to write on my blogg at least once a week
to travel to at least 3 countries
to uplift others
to feel good more of the time
to bring joy
to sell lots of Happy Stuff
to lead by example
to always find a thought that feels better
to vision my daughter in her joy,laughing and having fun regardless of what is occurring
to vision my family and friends in their joy, laughing and having fun regardless of what is occurring
to end the year on a higher vibration than which I started
Thank you ♥ xxx

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