Sunday 16 January 2011

Appreciating what is

Is appreciating what is xxx

This was my status update today which prompted one of my friends to kick my butt about putting it on my blog. Thanx Nic <3 

So I tried once again to set up easy blogging from my HTC mobile I was on it for 3 hours ~ though it didn't feel like that long as my focus was relentless and my determination unyielding. I became aware though of my brain aching the gentle hum of a headache hovering in the space just before my skull. This is when I realised I was trying too hard, over and over I would try similar things in different ways. Telling myself I had got something wrong or had just forgotten my pass word so then creating another and staring all over again. Then all of a sudden I asked myself what I was doing, by this time I was getting freaking pissed off but something inside my head wouldn't let it go. I couldn't seem to let it go until I decided to hand it over to the Universe to sort it for me. 

Then as I write this I realise my body was trying to tell me to let go by giving me a headache, our bodies are amazing but we never really listen until sometimes it's to late. Anyway back to my point (I don't always have one but I do this time) when I read this update again  Claudia Burnett 'is appreciating what is xxx' I realise that the Universe wanted to see how true to my word I was being not really testing me just creating a situation for me to walk my talk haha I just love how the Universe works with me and when I take the time to let go and let GOD (GOD and the Universe are one and the same to me) it all becomes clear. That's what they call an epiphany isn't it?

What a lovely day nicely turned around :o)

Much Love
Claudia xxx

1 comment:

  1. My pleasure - I love your posts, nice to see more of them on here. x
